Calculate the roughness length of an surface on the basis of the obstacle height or the type of the surface Possible surface types are: "Wiese", "Acker", "Gruenflaeche", "Strasse", "Landwirtschaft", "Siedlung", "Nadelwald", "Laubwald", "Mischwald", "Stadt" You need to specify only one, "type" OR "obs_height".
turb_roughness_length(...) # S3 method for default turb_roughness_length(surface_type = NULL, obs_height = NULL, ...) # S3 method for weather_station turb_roughness_length(weather_station, ...)
... | Additional parameters passed to later functions. |
surface_type | Type of surface |
obs_height | Height of obstacle in m. |
weather_station | Object of class weather_station |
Pressure in hPa.